Peer-to-peer exchange on research challenges and new methodologies from suppliers
Join this Exchange Community CMI session to dive into the research challenges we encounter as insights professionals and buyers. Instead of broad supplier reviews, we’ll focus on sharing real experiences with suppliers —both challenges and successes. Engage, exchange, and get inspired by your UBA CMI community as we explore practical solutions to specific research challenges together.
As researchers we face similar challenges. By sharing our positive experiences with research suppliers—across a wide range of research domains—we can elevate each other’s knowledge and capabilities.
In this session, we invite you to discuss best practices, share tips, and recommend suppliers for key research challenges, covering both B2C and B2B contexts, including:
- Recruitment
- Reporting
- Data Hub
- Market Sizing
- Big Data
- Trends Watching
- Social Media Listening
- Implicit Research
- Looping Back
Please review this document for more details on above subjects.
Please bring your own experiences and examples to the table! If you have already input or suggestions, reach out to us via this mail.
Exchange Community
Networking lunch
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De UBA Exchange Communities zijn geprivilegieerde momenten waarop managers en experts specifieke onderwerpen bespreken om hun merken te helpen evolueren. Deelname is gratis en exclusief voor UBA merkenleden. Het delen van ervaringen staat centraal.