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Media & creativity

What are the key ingredients of effective communication?

Master Class Online


Media and creativity. Creativity and media. Both are important for brand growth, but too often, we forget the basic principles that are scientifically proven to make our communication budgets more effective.

In this Online Master Class, we will explore in depth how media and creativity contribute to brand growth and how they can not only strengthen each other but also need each other to be fully effective.
We will delve into elements from scientific research as well as more general insights into how media and creativity work. Finally, inspiring cases will illustrate these insights.

This training is conducted online via Zoom. Sign up to participate. You will receive the participation link by email.

What will you learn?

  • Scientific tools to understand how marketing communication works
  • Basic dynamics to consider for achieving set communication objectives
  • Inspiring examples that make the theory concrete and support it
  • Basic rules to help justify marketing budgets

For whom?

Marketing managers, Communication managers, Brand managers, Media managers


The training will be given in Dutch, and the slides will be in English.
Participants may respond in the language of their choice.


  1. Berten Peremans

    Berten Peremans

    Chief Strategy Officer at Publicis Groupe

    Berten Peremans is Chief Strategy Officer and Board Member at Publicis Groupe Belgium, where he leads the Strategy & Data team. Prior to this, Berten held various strategic roles at creative communication agencies in Brussels and Paris. Throughout his career, he has had the opportunity to contribute to the growth of a diverse range of brands operating in national, regional, and global markets.

    Berten has an academic background in economics and marketing management.

    His team brings together expertise that spans both media and creative disciplines. Berten ensures that the synergies between media and creativity are fully leveraged.


Please log in to see which tickets are available for you.

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  • UBA member | brand member: Free. The participation fee is included in your company's annual membership contribution.
  • UBA member | media member: Free. The participation fee is included in your company's annual membership contribution.
  • UBA member | expertise member: € 160 (excl. VAT)
  • Standard: € 320 (excl. VAT)

This training is given online via Teams. Register to participate, and you will receive further instructions by email.

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