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Website content creation with AI

How to write copy for your website with the help of ChatGPT?

Master Class Online


In this workshop, you will learn how and at which stages of the copywriting process you can effectively use ChatGPT. ChatGPT (for now?) cannot do everything, but it can accelerate the writing process. To do this well, a good understanding of different communication models, a clear tone of voice, and strong input are essential. By the end of the session, you will have the knowledge to create effective content.

What will you learn?

  • Discover the most commonly used communication models (PAS, AIDA, etc.) and how to apply them in copywriting.
  • Learn how to incorporate a brand’s tone of voice into your prompts.
  • Understand why strong foundational information, such as a product description, is essential for effective prompts.
  • We will test applications for a product page, expert review, and transforming a blog into a social media post.
  • Bonus: Discover how AI tools are used to generate campaign visuals and videos.

For whom?

Deze workshop is bedoeld voor marketeers met ervaring in ChatGPT en basiskennis van het schrijven van prompts. Zorg ervoor dat je een laptop meeneemt met toegang tot ChatGPT.

Related Training: 24/7 videos

As a supplement or preparation for this Master Class, we recommend watching the following video trainings:

  • Content marketing strategy


The training will be given in English, and the slides will be in English.
Participants may respond in the language of their choice.


  1. Jef De Busser

    Jef De Busser

    Content Director

    Jef De Busser is Content Director at HeadOffice, helping businesses create impactful strategies across print, online, and social media. He uses AI to optimize content for engagement and results, driving loyalty through effective storytelling.


No tickets available.


  • UBA member | brand member: Free. The participation fee is included in your company's annual membership contribution.
  • UBA member | media member: Free. The participation fee is included in your company's annual membership contribution.
  • UBA member | expertise member: € 160 (excl. VAT)
  • Standard: € 320 (excl. VAT)

This training is given online via Teams. Register to participate, and you will receive further instructions by email.

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