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Brand activation strategy

How to activate your brand strategically?

Master Class


A brand represents a promise to consumers. It tells them what to expect from your products and services and distinguishes your offerings from those of competitors. Brands must earn this "trust" and aim to build long-lasting relationships with their users.

Additionally, we’ll explore which activation drivers, such as communication, promotion & pricing, and/or distribution, can be best applied, depending on the brand's position in the market and the category it belongs to.

In this Master Class, we will delve into this “consumer journey” through various models and concrete cases. We will also explore how “online” and “offline” can be used most effectively to achieve trial and foster a long-term relationship (loyalty) with your consumers.

What will you learn?

After completing this training, you’ll be able to directly apply certain concepts to your own brand to stimulate both "trial" and "repeat purchases." Additionally, you’ll be able to better align media objectives and the content plan with the brand’s "consumer journey," taking into account the effectiveness of both offline and online activation.

For whom?

Commercial roles (marketing, sales, trade marketing, …) and others involved in the development of "brands" and their consumers.


The training will be given in English, and the slides will be in English.
Participants may respond in the language of their choice.


  1. Igor Nowé

    Igor Nowé

    Marketing consultant & lecturer at Valuemarketing / Odisee / Karel de Grote Hogeschool / KULeuven

    Igor Nowé has held various roles in both national and international companies. He began his career as a Project Manager at Nedlloyd Districenters, before becoming a Junior Account Manager at the German detergent, cosmetics, and adhesive giant, Henkel. He quickly realised that marketing was his true passion. He continued his marketing career at Diageo, the market leader in spirits, before eventually becoming Marketing Director at Carlsberg Importers and Valuable Savours Company (VA.S.Co).

    Driven by his passion for the field and extensive expertise, Igor Nowé transitioned into academia. He is currently a Marketing Lecturer at Odisee University College (Brussels) and Karel de Grote University College (Antwerp). He also teaches B2B, strategy, and brand activation at Ehsal Management School in Brussels, as well as brand activation in the MBA programme at Flanders Business School in Antwerp (KULeuven).


No tickets available.


  • UBA member | brand member: Free. The participation fee is included in your company's annual membership contribution.
  • UBA member | media member: Free. The participation fee is included in your company's annual membership contribution.
  • UBA member | expertise member: € 215 (excl. VAT)
  • Standard: € 430 (excl. VAT)
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