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Masterful presentations

How to increase the impact of your (sales) presentation?

Master Class


"Masterful Presentations" is an intensive masterclass that teaches you how to create real impact when presenting or speaking in public. This experience will undoubtedly influence how you deliver your (sales) presentations in the future.  

In a business context, excellent communication skills are essential. All the hard work—ideas, strategies, plans, objectives, or efforts in general—amounts to nothing if you cannot convince others to act on it. This training will inspire you and provide techniques to deliver a clear, impactful, and persuasive presentation.

For whom?

Sales directors/managers, marketing directors/managers, product managers, community managers…


The training will be given in English, and the slides will be in English.
Participants may respond in the language of their choice.


  1. Filip Muyllaert

    Filip Muyllaert

    Managing Director at The Communication Group

    Filip Muyllaert is an expert in inspiring leadership communication. He is also a presentation strategist, coach, and motivational speaker, who has the ability to engage audiences across all continents.

    Filip is the author of the book "Inspirerend spreken als Leider" (2022), which has been praised by global marketing guru Seth Godin, renowned American leadership expert Marshall Goldsmith, and numerous C-level executives.


No tickets available.


  • UBA member | brand member: Free. The participation fee is included in your company's annual membership contribution.
  • UBA member | media member: Free. The participation fee is included in your company's annual membership contribution.
  • UBA member | expertise member: € 215 (excl. VAT)
  • Standard: € 430 (excl. VAT)
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