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How to Prepare for the New Sustainability Reporting Requirements?

Training 24/7 Online By Sebastiaan De Block

1. Introduction

About this training

This training is led by Sebastiaan De Block from The Ecological Entrepreneur. Sebastiaan will guide you through the new legal requirements imposed by the European Green Deal and sustainability reporting. The first module will introduce you to the European legal framework, including key concepts such as carbon neutrality and sustainability goals. The second module will explore the CSRD directive in detail, focusing on the companies affected by it and the implications for their strategy. Finally, the third module will cover the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and provide you with the necessary tools for effective and responsible compliance. The fourth module will introduce you to the concept of double materiality, developed by EFRAG, and its application in the value chain. Lastly, the fifth module will focus on voluntary sustainability reporting standards (VSRS), explaining who they concern and how they can be applied in your business strategy.

This video training is given in English. The presentation is in English.

Discover the additional material here. 

The videos consist the following topics: 

  1. Introduction
    • Content of the course
  2. The Broad Context and Legal Framework part 1
    • Introduction of the lessen
    • Market Trends & Reinforcing Loops
    • Information on Cabron Neutral vs Net Zero vs Carbon Negative (in workbook)
    • Information on Directive vs Reporting Standard (in workbook)
  3. The Broad Context and Legal Framework part 2
    • Sustainability Targets, Ambitions and Regulations
    • European Green Deal
    • Information on Sustainability Reporting (in workbook)
  4. CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) part 1
    • Introduction of the lessen
    • CSRD - What is is?
    • CSRD - Who does it impact and how?
  5. CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) part 2
    • The CSRD and EU Taxonomy - What links them together?
    • The CSRD and CSDDD - Reporting vs Due Diligence, what does it mean?
    • CSRD and supporting frameworks: OECD - UN Guiding Principles
  6. ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards) part 1
    • Introduction of the lessen
    • ESRS - What are they?
  7. ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards) part 2
    • ESRS 1 - 2: General Principles & Disclosure Requirements
  8. ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards) part 3
    • ESRS 'E' - Environment E1 - E5
    • ESRS 'S' - Social 1 - 4
    • ESRS 'G' - Governance G1
  9. Materiality assessment - what, how & by whom? part 1
    • Introduction to the lesson
    • Materiality Assessment - A concept
  10. Materiality assessment - what, how & by whom? part 2
    • Materiality Assessment - A concept by EFRAG
  11. Materiality assessment - what, how & by whom? part 3
    • Value Chain Implementation
  12. 12. VSRS (Voluntary Sustainability Reporting Standards)
    • Introduction to the lesson
    • VSRS - What, How and Who?


  1. Sebastiaan De Block

    Sebastiaan De Block

    Founder and CEO, The Ecological Entrepreneur
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